Suzanne Milligan
- Jul 10
- 3 min
Why Shame doesn't work: shame and shaming in relationship
reepik image f When couples get into trouble, a lot of the messiness comes from an underlying tendency to shame and blame each other....
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Suzanne Milligan
- May 19
- 2 min
What to expect in Couples Counselling
Therapy for us?? Often people will look into getting couples counselling when things are going horribly wrong in the relationship,...
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Suzanne Milligan
- Apr 22
- 1 min
Growing Through Grief
When I consider what it means to support someone with grief, I think of how so many people feel they need to grieve alone. And how it is...
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Suzanne Milligan
- Mar 16
- 3 min
How Somatic Therapy Works
Here is a brief introduction to the topic of how Somatic Therapy works, in case you are considering this kind of therapy for yourself....
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